If you've bookmarked this page with a different address, be sure to update it to: MCN-Chat.Club

Attention: This web page is NSFW!
(Not Safe For Work {or school})

GayOutdoors.org is now GayOutdoors.Men!

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MCN: Male Casual Nudity Chats

This page was was last updated on 04:05:47 AM EDT Monday, June 26, 2023.

MCN: Male Casual Nudity Chats is for guys who wish to be clothing-optional and chat, socialize, etc about anything at all, and meet with men around the world.

Please note that these chats are intended as a STRICTLY SOCIAL event, and sexual acivity is not permitted on camera.

To keep updated on these events alone, and also share in some related chat, please join our new mailing list, linked at:
Join our new Google Group at the above address to freely discuss things when the chat is not on-screen presently, and please note the description for any joining requirements.  Or, if you prefer not to join a Google Group, try our mailing list at the address below.

(Note the missing "-" from this page's link, which links you to the short form to join the mailing list, hosted by our server.  Only name, email, and a password for changing your mailing options at a future date are requested, and all are stored securely here.)

The events are also announced at the following link, among other places:
https://groups.google.com/g/male-casual-nudity2/about and at:
(Note that a free Google account is required, and be sure to log into a strictly personal one ONLY before joining for best success.)

Currently planned chat events are tentative if more than 7 days away, and are planned as follows.  Please click the event title to show the details.  For some you may need to click "More Details" at the bottom of an entry.  RSVP's are not necessary at this time.

If you use Google Calendar, you can just click the "+" in the lower right of the calendar to add our events automatically to your calendar.

If you would like to import or subscribe to our iCal/.ics calendar for your Apple device, Yahoo Calendar, Microsoft Calendar, etc click here.  (Or right-click the link and choose copy/copy link address and use it in your calendar program/app.)

Quicklinks to join events at the above times as listed:
Zoom events: Click here

NOTE: These links are subject to change without advance notice.

If you are looking for a club in Southern California (Orange County & greater Long Beach areas) for in-person male naturist/nudist social activities, please take a look at:
BA-MEN: Beach Areas Men Enjoying Naturism

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